Calendar of Events

Following are opportunities for CCAs to gain Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in Colorado and nearby states. Upcoming meetings with CEUs available can also be found on the ICCA's CEU Calendar.

Date Location Course Title CEU's For More Information Contact:
February 25, 2025 Sterling CO CCA Crops Input Clinic SW: .5
PM: 4.5
CM: 2

On Demand Podcast

* new podcasts added monthly

N/A Nutrien Podcast: see link in more information Various 1/2 credit webinars in multiple categories
On Demand Webinars N/A Conservation websinar- USDA Various credits in multiple categories On-demand Webinars — The Webinar Portal (

The CCA board holds meetings twice a year to review CCA business. The Fall meeting is typically held in October and the spring meeting is held in March. If you have any agenda items for the board or would like any other information, please contact Kierra Jewell.


If you know of any upcoming meetings with CEUs please contact Kierra Jewell to get them approved and to list them on this site.