Colorado CCA Board of Directors
The Colorado CCA Board administers the Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) program in Colorado, with assistance from the International CCA program which is sponsored by the American Society of Agronomy with offices in Madison, Wisconsin.
The Colorado CCA board consists of nine individuals who represent various Colorado governmental institutions and agencies, as well as industry groups involved in supplying production inputs and advising growers in Colorado. They are:
Colorado Aerial Applicators Association - Ruthanne Koch
Colorado Department of Agriculture - Laura Pottorff
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment - Erin Kress
Colorado State University - Troy Bauder
Fertilizer and Agricultural Chemical Dealers - Lanny Huston
Fertilizer and Agricultural Chemical Suppliers - Gary Schaneman
Independent Agricultural Consultants of Colorado - Kent Davis
Rocky Mountain Agribusiness Association - Brad Shean
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service - Ron Schierer
Each Board member is appointed by their sponsoring organization for a 3-year term and is eligible to serve two terms. The 3-year terms of all members are on a staggered basis so the terms of only one-third of the Board members are completed each year. The Board elects a chair for a 1-year term each fall; this individual may be reappointed.
There are three standing committees. They are:
Exam Committee:
Prepares and selects questions for each Colorado CCA exam, and evaluates the results of each exam to improve questions for future exams.
Standards and Ethics Committee:
Evaluates all new CCA application forms for proper credentials and acceptance by the Colorado CCA Board. Also, investigates reports of possible ethics violations of current Colorado CCAs.
Promotion, Marketing, and Education Committee:
Promotes the CCA program. Evaluates all CCA Continuing Education Unit (CEU) application forms submitted for Colorado training, assigns proper credits, and submits the approved forms to the ICCA office. Informs all Colorado CCAs of training opportunities with Board-approved CEUs.
The Colorado CCA Board welcomes suggestions from the members concerning the conduct of this program in Colorado.
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Troy Bauder (11-2)*
Dept. Soil and Crop Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1170
Phone: 970 491-4923
Fax: 970 491-2758
email: troy.bauder@colostate.edu |
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Kent Davis (10-1)
20607 Northmoor Dr.
Johnstown,CO 80534
Phone: (970) 396-9975
email: kdavis@cropquest.com |
Lanny Huston (09-2)*
Agland, Inc.
PO Box 344
Gilcrest, CO 80623
Phone: 970 737-2406
email: lhuston@aglandinc.com |
Erin Kress (11-2)*
CO Dept of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek South
Denver, CO 80246-1530
Phone: 303 692-3523
Fax: 303 782-0390
email: erin.kress@state.co.us |
Ruthanne Koch (09-1)
44010 CR 3H
Arriba, CO 80804-9523
phone (719) 768-3289
fax (719) 768-3296
email: kochop@ria.net
Sandra K. McDonald (ex-officio)
Dept of Bioag Sci & Pest Mgmt
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1177
Phone: 970 491-6027
Fax: 970 491-3862
email:smcdonal@lamar.colostate.edu |
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John J. Mortvedt (ex-officio)
Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1170
Phone: 970 491-5840
Fax: 970 491-2758
email: John.Mortvedt@colostate.edu |
Laura Pottorff (10-1)
Colorado Department of Agriculture
700 Kipling St. Suite 4000
Lakewood, CO
phone (303) 239-4178
(303) 239-4195
email laura.pottorff@ag.state.co.us
Gary Schaneman (10-2)*
1470 Falcon Ridge Road
Eaton, CO 80615
Phone: 970 454-0545
Fax: 970 454-0544
email: gschaneman@gaic.com |
Ronald Schierer (09-2)*
4407 29th Street, Suite 300
Greeley, CO 80634
Phone: 970 330-0380 x211
Fax: 970 330-4837
email: ron.schierer@co.usda.gov |
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Brad Shean (11-1)*
Stratton Equity Coop
98 Colorado Ave.
Stratton, CO 80836
Phone: 719 348-5396
email:bshean@strattonequity.com |
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Reagan Waskom (ex-officio)
Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-2033
Phone: 970 491-2947
Fax: 970 491-1636
email: reagan.waskom@colostate.edu |
* ( ) Denotes the last year of the current appointment and which 3-year term. |